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Durrington Infant and Junior Federated Schools

Infant and Junior Schools

Useful Information and Admissions


Admissions to Durrington Infant and Junior Schools are co-ordinated by the Admissions Department at the local Education Office. If you would like to apply for a place, please contact:

Address: Admissions Department, Centenary House, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2QB

Telephone number: 03330142903

Email: admissions@westsussex.gov.uk

or visit their website.


Equality Duty


Equality Duty and Objectives

Pupil Premium & Free School Meals

Letter re pupil premium funding


Riding to School

An increasing number of children are riding their bicycle or scooter to school so we wanted to remind you of the school’s procedures.

As parents are legally responsible for their children on the way to and from school, the decision as to whether a child cycles or scoots has to be made by their parents or guardians.

In the interest of your child’s safety, we would encourage you to ensure that they wear a helmet and fluorescent band/jacket when riding.

For reasons of health and safety, children should not ride within the school grounds, but should dismount and push their cycle or scooter at all times.

We have cycle racks by the school office and all children should provide a good quality lock to reduce the risk of their cycle or scooter being stolen. The school is unable to accept any responsibility for damage or theft of cycles, scooters or equipment that are stored on the premises.


WSCC Education Page


The West Sussex Council has an excellent information page for children and families regarding schools, learning resources and childcare. Please follow the link below to find out more:

WSCC Education Page


Useful Links

Below are some forms you may find useful

Absence Request Form Attendance Leaflet