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Durrington Infant and Junior Federated Schools

Infant and Junior Schools

Welcome to Year 6

We are looking forward to working with you in year 6 and have lots of exciting things planned over the course of our school year.

Kandinsky Class Teacher: Mrs Carroll

Monet Class Teacher: Mr English

Warhol Class Teacher: Mr Melvin

Year 6 LSAs: Miss Hawkins and Ms McCreanney


Our Learning Support Assistants work across the three classes.

The year 6 area is based on the left hand side of the school hall and our classroom external doors open up next to the school's main playing field.


Our topics in Year 6 are: 

Autumn term (first half) - 'Dynamic Earth'

We will be learning about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.  In addition to this, we will be looking at inspirational environmentalists.

Autumn term (second half) and Spring term (first half) - 'World War 2'

We will be learning about the key events of World War 2.  We will also be visiting Newhaven Fort to see how the coast of Sussex was protected during the conflict.

Spring term (second half) and Summer term (first half) - 'The Maya'

We will be learning about the ancient civilisation – the Maya.

Summer term (second half) - 'Renewable Energy'

In our final half term at Junior school we will be learning about renewable energy.  We also learn about coping with change and preparing for senior school.  During this last term, we will be visiting the Adur Centre in Shoreham for a water based residential!


We are really excited about the learning you will be a part of this year and are looking forward to getting to know you all! 

Year 6 team